Saturday, 18 November 2023

Librarian's Choice - October, October


Thank you for the three amazing entries into this challenge. The one that's been chosen for the library display is:


The Library is now closed for refurbishment. Thanks for joining The Library. 

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Librarian's Choice - Jane's Patisserie


There were six beautiful entries into this challenge and this is the one chose for The Library display:

 cleverly constructed her layer cake to echo the one on the cover.

The current challenge - October, October - is here. 

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Challenge 85 - October, October


Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

This month we've got a pick from the Children's Fiction department: October October by Katya Balen.  This is an award-winning novel , published in 2020. Here's the blurb:

October and her dad live in the woods. They know the trees and the rocks and the lake and stars like best friends. They live in the woods and they are wild. And that's the way it is.

Until the year October turns eleven. That's the year October rescues a baby owl. It's the year Dad falls out of the biggest tree in their woods. The year the woman who calls herself October's mother comes back. The year everything changes.

Here's what The Librarian made:

more details on my blog

This challenge closes on 14th October. 
I hope you'll join The Library. 

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Reminder from The Library


Here's a little reminder from The Library - but your books aren't overdue and there'll certainly be no fines!

It's just a reminder to join in the current challenge - Jane's Patisserie - Celebrate! - 
 -  which runs till 14th September. 

Remember, you can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

Here's an extra card The Librarian made:

More details on my blog 

Librarian's Choice - The Life and Loves of a She-Devil


Thank you for the wonderful entries into this challenge. The Librarian has chosen this one to go on display at The Library:

The colours, the doodled waves and the 'She-devil' in the top left, Chris  made a journal page that was a great take on the book cover. 

There's still time to enter the current challenge, Jane's Patisserie - Celebrate.

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Challenge 84 - Jane's Patisserie - Celebrate!


Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

This month we're at the non-fiction shelves, in the cookery section, and the book is Jane's Patisserie - Celebrate.
Maybe you'll be inspired by the cakes, the rainbow colours, the gold lettering or the word 'celebrate' - or something else? 

Here's what The Librarian made:
More details on my blog 

This challenge closes on 14th September. 

I hope you'll join The Library. 

This linky list is now closed.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Reminder from The Library


Here's a little reminder from The Library - but your books aren't overdue and there'll certainly be no fines!

It's just a reminder to join in the current challenge -The Life and Loves of a She-Devil -  which runs till 14th June. 

Remember, you can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story
Here's an extra card The Librarian made:

More details on my blog