Saturday 20 June 2020

Librarian's Choice - Peter Pan

What lovely and varied cards we saw in the library for this challenge! Our Visiting Librarian , Sue , has now returned to her own bookshelves, but before she went, we chose some entries to display in The Library.

Kylie's Captain Hook is a mouse: 

Vivi's card featured the boy who never grew up:

Heather used the cover as a sketch:

I hope you'll copy the badge (above) and display it on your blogs.
The current challenge - Layered - will remain open for another week. Please come back tomorrow for a new challenge, when we'll  a Visiting Librarian will be flying us to the moon. 


  1. Thank youso much, what an honour! Congratulations everyone! Xx

  2. Aw, thanks so much for the pick - what great entries for this one! Keep up the great challenges (and the reading!)

  3. wow, how awesome!! thank you so much for featuring my card!
    Congrats to all Ladies!
