Monday, 30 December 2019

Reminder from The Library - Anthology (Pick a Previous Book)

Here's a little reminder from The Library - but your books aren't overdue and there'll certainly be no fines!

It's just a reminder to join in the current challenge -Anthology - Pick any book previously featured at The Library   - which runs till 11th January. 

Remember, you can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

See here for books featured in 2018 and 2019

Link up here and when you enter, please mention which book you've chosen. 

Here are some examples from The Librarian:

The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen and illustrated by Christian Birmingham. Love this story too! Again, very sad though, definitely does not have a Disney ending

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Challenge 49- Anthology (Pick a previous book )

Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

This challenge will run from the end of 2019 through to the beginning of 2020 and the challenge is :

Anthology - Pick any book previously featured at The Library 

See below for pictures of the books featured since the last anthology challenge, or click here for last year's books.

The 30 Best Christmas Books of All Time – The Mission – MediumAbsolute Beginners (London Trilogy Book 2) by [MacInnes, Colin]2732977

The Note: The book everyone's talking about by [Folbigg, Zoë]29905592The Party by Lisa    Hall


Image result for chocolat bookAll Creatures Great and Small: The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet (James Herriot 1) By James Herriot | World of BooksImage result for agatha christie book covers death on the nile

The Art of Stripes: Over 30 ways to wear stripes: Hardie Grant, Libby VanderPloeg: 9781784881511: BooksAn Unrushed Walk Through A Very Different Time - The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence | Byte The Book

five weeks in a balloon book - Google SearchImage result for the tiger who came to tea

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!: Mo Willems: 9781844285136: BooksGoogle Image Result for

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Book Cover.jpgImage result for dave barry the worst class trip ever

The Sewing Machine ebook by Natalie FergieLittle Women by Louisa May Alcott

I've not included Rupert Annual as that challenge is still open till 28th December.
When you enter, please mention which book you've chosen. 

Here's what The Librarian came up with: 

The Hobbit (from 2018) 
More details on my  blog.

This challenge will close on 11th January.

 Challenge 48 (Rupert Annual)  will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Librarian's Choice - Little Women

Thank you for the fabulous entries into this challenge. I've picked a few to display in The Library. 

SmilynStef made this elegant card with a vintage image:

Fiona  combined different stamp sets and techniques to create a beautiful winter scene:

Jackie's  creation makes sparkling skates the centrepiece: 
Library Challenge card -

I hope you'll copy the badge (above) and display it on your blogs. 

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

The current challenge, Rupert Annual, will remain open for another week. Please come back tomorrow for a new challenge that will give you a second chance . 

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Challenge 48 - Rupert Annual 1965

Rupert Bear Annual 1965 - I had this Nan used to buy me one every Christmas (right up until I was 35!!)

Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

Rupert the Bear is a UK comic-strip character who's had his own annual every year since 1920. The Librarian has chosen the 1965 annual because of it's lovely, wintry cover. 

More details on my  blog.

This challenge will close on 28th December.

 Challenge 47 (Little Women)  will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Librarian's Choice - The Sewing Machine

What beautiful creations were linked up into gallery for this challenge!

Our Visiting Librarian Arlene aka A Rose has now returned to her own bookshelves, but before she left, we chose some entries to display in The Library.

Therese P went full vintage:

Cornelia added a touch of glamour.

Steffi H kept it sweet and simple:

I hope you'll copy the badge (above) and display it on your blogs. 

The Sewing Machine ebook by Natalie Fergie

The current challenge, Little Women , will remain open for another week, and please come back tomorrow for a new challenge : there'll be a bear, and everyone knows his name.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Challenge 47 - Little Women

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents!" is the famous opening line of this classic American novel, by Louisa May Alcott. It's a 'coming of age' story about the four March sisters and the cover here shows them in winter clothing, skating. 

More details on my  blog.

This challenge will close on 14th December.

 Challenge 46 (The Sewing Machine)  will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Librarian's Choice - The Worst Class Trip Ever

Thanks for all the fabulous entries into this challenge. 

Julie, our Visiting Librarian, has returned to her own bookshelves but before she left we picked out an entry to display in The Library:

DJ interpreted both the title and the cover in a happy way, that made us smile:

I hope you'll copy the badge (above) and display it on your blog. 

Image result for dave barry the worst class trip ever

The current challenge, The Sewing Machine . is open for another week, and come back tomorrow for a new challenge when Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents. 

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Challenge 46 - The Sewing Machine

The Sewing Machine ebook by Natalie Fergie

Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

This challenge we have a Visiting Librarian, Arlene, aka A Rose , and she's chosen The Sewing Machine by Natalie Fergie. 'Two families. Three secrets. Millions of stitches.' 

A Rose 
More details on her  blog. 

more details on my blog 

This challenge will end on 30th November . 

Challenge 45 (The Worst Class Trip Ever) will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.