Sunday, 29 March 2020

Challenge 56 - Egg Drop

Image result for egg drop mini grey

Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

Our book this time is Egg Drop, by award-winning author and illustrator, Mini Grey. Published in 2002, this is the story of an egg that wanted to fly. 

More details on my blog.

 This challenge will close on 18th April . 

 Challenge 55 - How to Embroider Almost anything - will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.

1 comment:

  1. I am having a problem uploading my photo.. Tried several options. Not techy enough to solve the problem. However, clicking on my entry will take you to my blog.
