Saturday 13 February 2021

Librarian's Choice - A Room with a View


Thank you for all the fabulous entries into this challenge - here are the ones chosen for the library wall display: 

Linby literally created a room with a view: 

Aimeslee used so many of the cover elements on her card: 

Vicky was inspired by the flowers on the cover:

I hope you'll copy the badge (above) and display it on your blogs.

Jar of Hearts is still open for another week but please come back tomorrow when it'll be storytime and bathtime for our younger readers. 


  1. Wow! Lynn and Aimslee - these are amazing cards! I love how we've all been inspired in a different way. Thank you so much for picking my card as one of your choices Marina :) Vicky x

  2. OMGosh, my first Library Wall Display! Thanks so much! I'm so happy that you liked my card & I'm so happy I found your challenge, Marina, it's so cool to play! Bibliophile hobby artists unite! XOX

  3. Thanks so much for picking my card to feature on the library wall, congrats to the other picks too.
