Sunday, 20 January 2019

Challenge 25 - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Quiet Please Crafters! You’re in The Library now.

You can be inspired by :
The cover
The title
The story

This time our book is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson.It's a psychological thriller set in Sweden.

There's lots of things on the cover and title that you could take inspiration from - colours, the words 'dragon' or 'tattoo'... The dragon looks Chinese and Chinese New Year is on the 5th February. 

Here's what The Librarian came up with: 

More details on my blog. 

This challenge will close on 9th February. 

Challenge 24  (Absolute Beginners ) will remain open for another week.

I hope you'll join The Library.

This linky list is now closed.


  1. Thanks for a fun challenge! Jo x

  2. Hello Marina, this is one of my all time favourite books - the Millenium Trilogy is gritty and compelling albeit my dragon is a little more tame than the one featured on the back of Salander :) x

  3. Great read this book series, I see there's a new release Dec '18. Love joining in with this different challenge
